Filming baby’s general movements at home
Filming baby’s general movements at home- a quick guide
The CRE in Newborn Medicine have developed infographics and handouts to support families to film their baby’s general movements at home.
A new, simple checklist with infographics to help with “Filming a baby’s general movements at home – a quick guide”. The handout has been developed with our consumers and health professional input from around the globe. You can download the ‘quick guide’ handout below.
The 2 page guide can be downloaded here, which includes information for health professionals on transfer of data. Please feel free to share with any family, friends, colleagues and patients who may find this beneficial.
Also available in Te Reo Maori
Our 2-page guide with infographics to help with “Filming a baby’s general movements at home – a detailed guide” is now available in Te Reo Maori.
Supporting families using Telehealth
Do you have a video appointment scheduled with your child? The CRE in Newborn Medicine in conjunction with the University of Melbourne have developed a handout to support families with Telehealth amidst the the COVID-19 crisis. You can download the handout here. You are free to pass this handout on to colleagues, clinicians or families who may find this beneficial.