Along with the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) and the European Academy of Childhood Disability (EACD), the AusACPDM is a founding member of the IAACD. The purpose and mission of IAACD are to improve the health and well-being of children, youth and adults with childhood-onset disabilities around the globe by enhancing local multidisciplinary professional capacity and expertise through an international collaboration between academies. In this regard, IAACD’s purpose and mission includes:
- Promoting evidence based teaching and training of multidisciplinary professionals in all aspects of childhood-onset disability with a lifespan perspective across different regions and cultures;
- Fostering collaboration to support all involved in the care of children and youth with disabilities including parents, caretakers, communities and professionals;
- Promoting scientific and needs-driven research in childhood disability that is applicable across diverse needs and conditions;
- Promoting the implementation of childhood-onset disability practice which is informed by regional and cultural variation; and
- Partnering with key stakeholders and organizations in support of the rights of individuals with childhood-onset disabilities.
Initial work of IAACD has included:
- Creation of a governance framework including formal constitution, legal incorporation and Executive Committee structure
- Development of IAACD Committees with representatives from all member Academies: Global Professional Education Committee (GPEC); Clinical Best Practice; Membership; Finance; Communications; Research; and Conference Planning
- Development of strategic plan
- Transition to a formalised Executive and Governing Council structure
- New member Academies
Visit the IAACD website at https://iaacd.net/