Workshop Submission Guidelines
Workshops by definition are interactive sessions. All submissions are required to include an interactive element and are encouraged to follow best available evidence for knowledge translation. Workshops are 90 minutes in length.
Submission deadline for workshop submissions is 5pm AEST 29 July 2019.
Workshops form an important part of the conference and are highly rated by delegates. We recommend that authors structure their workshops according to the following guidelines:
- Content should be current, applicable and balanced, supported by best available evidence
- The most successful courses are those that encourage delegate participation in a variety of ways throughout the session (i.e. not completely didactic as these types of workshops are known to be less effective from a knowledge translation viewpoint)
- Handouts and references are important and must be provided by the presenters to all participants. It will be the responsibility of the presenters to provide sufficient handouts for their workshop
- Careful consideration should be given to the number of presenters. More than three presenters often results in loss of continuity and excess use of time
- Adequate time must be allowed for questions and panel discussion
- The Chair will provide leadership throughout the session
Download the Workshop Presentation Submission Template
Workshop teaching teams should involve one chair and a maximum of 3 speakers, but can list up to 8 authors. The chair is responsible for collating all material for the workshop and submitting the workshop abstract online via the conference website. Individual abstracts from presenters are not required. The chair must nominate themselves as the application for correspondence. All speakers including the chair, if speaking, must be listed as presenting authors, and must register to attend the conference.
Audiovisual information
A projector, screen, laptop and speaker support will be provided. Should any other technology be required, please contact the conference organisers to discuss costs of hiring this equipment prior to submission of your abstract.
Other equipment
Therapy beds/plinths/mats will not be available as standard. If these are required, please contact the conference organizers to discuss the costs of hiring this equipment prior to submission of your abstract.
Please submit your abstract according to the format described below.
Title and Author – To be typed directly into the online submissions form.
Do not include in your abstract submissions document.
Please supply the following details:
Title: Use a maximum of 20 words
Authors: List a maximum of eight names
Institution: One primary affiliation should be listed for each author
You must use 12 point, sentence case, Times New Roman
Body of Abstract
Please use no more than 400 words, using the following headings:
Objectives: List (number) the 4 main learning objectives of the workshop
Summary: Provide a summary of the content of the workshop
Interactive Element: List the interactive learning element/s to be conducted and the type of learning formats in which information will be shared
Target Audience: List which clinician groups and/or clients/family members would be suitable to attend
Level: State whether material is for participants at an ‘Introductory’ or ‘Intermediate’ or ‘Advanced’ level or whether any level is suitable
Pre-requisites: Briefly state whether any prior learning, experience or qualifications, or pre-reading are recommended or essential for optimal participation
References: If necessary, a maximum of 3 references will be accepted, but will be included in your word count
Figures and Tables: Are not permitted and will be removed
Additional Information: Additional information such as acknowledgements, disclosures and funding sources are not required and will be removed
Equipment: If your workshop involves demonstration of assistive technology or other equipment, please describe what you will bring, how much space will be required, and how much time is needed to set up and pack up the room. Please note that any costs incurred or labour required for transport and set up of technology or equipment will be the responsibility of the workshop presenters
Minimum and maximum numbers: Please state whether there is a minimum number of participants required for workshop viability and/or a maximum number of participants that can be accommodated in the proposed format
Author Notification
You will be notified of acceptance of your submission by 10 September 2019 giving adequate time for travel arrangements to be made. All presenters for paper, poster, workshops and breakfast sessions must pay for conference registration, co-ordinate their own accommodation and travel arrangements and where applicable organise their own travel visas. Upon receiving notification of acceptance, authors are required to notify the Conference Office of their intent to participate/present at the conference. Authors who fail to notify the Conference Office by 25 September 2019 may have their presentations withdrawn from the program at the discretion of the committee.
Terms and Conditions
By submitting an abstract you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
- This abstract has NOT been presented at a previous AusACPDM conference
- This abstract has NOT been printed in a previous journal supplement for a conference
- This abstract has been proofed by the lead author and research team
- The research team agree to the abstract being viewable via the AusACPDM website