Breaking Research Submission Guidelines
The AusACPDM Organising Committee invites investigators to submit the results of their latest research for consideration for a Breaking Research paper presentation. The purpose of the Breaking Research extra submission process is to ensure that the results of very recent, important clinical studies and scientific discoveries are presented at the 2018 AusACPDM.
To qualify for a Breaking Research paper presentation, a clinical or scientific study described in an abstract should be one for which the data were not available by the regular abstract deadline of 7th August 2017.
Papers previously submitted for the 7th August paper submission deadline are NOT eligible for resubmission.
You will be notified of acceptance of your submission via email between 17 – 24 January 2018. Please ensure that you have access to your email at this time.
Breaking Research paper presentations are the same as general paper (podium) presentations.
Breaking Research Submission Deadline is 11 January 2018 – 5:00PM AEDT.
Accepted Breaking Research papers will be added to the program and published in the conference app but will not appear in the Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology Supplement. The presenting author will be required to register for the conference prior to the close of Early Bird on 29 January 2018.
Please submit your abstract according to the format described below.
Download the Breaking Research Template
Title and Author – To be typed directly into the online submissions form.
Do not include in your abstract submissions document.
You will be asked to provide the following details:
Title: Use a maximum of 20 words
Authors: List a maximum of eight names
Institution: One primary affiliation should be listed for each author
Please note that the first author will be considered the recipient of any conference prizes awarded.
Abstract Format
Using the following structured abstract format, with no more than 400 words you must submit your abstracts in a separate word file using the template provided. Abstracts that do not comply with the submission guidelines (e.g. incorrect font, incorrect formatting, more than 400 words) unfortunately cannot be accepted.
Objective: State the main study questions and identify any hypotheses being tested.
Design: State the study type, e.g. Randomised controlled trial, Systematic review, Cost-benefit analysis, or Retrospective cohort study.
Method: Describe the participants (report age as mean (SD) in years and months; sex as ‘n=’ (not %); relevant classification/s; recruitment method), instrumentation and measures (use SI units, except for blood pressure use mmHg, convert imperial units to metric), procedure and statistical analyses used.
Results: Identify the main study outcomes including results of any statistical tests (show standard deviations as (SD), not ±; do not use percentages for sample sizes below 50; abbreviate probability with a lower case italicized p). Please note that it is not sufficient just to state that ‘results will be presented’.
Conclusion: State conclusions as clinical implications and future research directions.
References: If necessary, a maximum of 3 references will be accepted, but will be included in your word count.
Figures and Tables: Are not permitted and will be removed.
Additional Information: Additional information such as acknowledgements, disclosures and funding sources are not required and will be removed.
Author Notification
You will be notified of acceptance of your submission between 17 – 24 January 2018. Please ensure that you have access to your email at this time. All presenters for paper, electronic poster, workshops, breakfast sessions and breaking research must pay for conference registration, co-ordinate their own accommodation and travel arrangements and where applicable organise their own travel visas. If your submission is accepted, please note that you must be registered by the end of Early Bird on 29 January 2018.
Upon receiving notification of acceptance, authors are required to notify the Conference Office of their intent to participate/present at the conference. Authors who fail to notify the Conference Office may have their presentations withdrawn from the program at the discretion of the committee.
Terms and Conditions
By submitting an abstract you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
- This abstract been NOT presented at a previous AusACPDM conference
- This abstract NOT been printed in a previous journal supplement for a conference
- This abstract has been proofed by the lead author and research team
- The research team agree to the abstract being viewable via the AusACPDM website/app
- The patients in any photographs have given permission for their photograph to be used for this purpose