World CP Day Global Listening and Sharing Sessions

World CP Day Global Listening and Sharing Sessions

30th September, 2020

Join us as we travel the globe for our World CP day 24 hour virtual Listening and Sharing session, Tuesday 6th October.

A space for health workers to share their experiences, challenges and innovations, when providing services to children with disabilities during COVID-19. Join for the hour of your choice, with a new session every hour around the globe. All sessions are free, but registration is required, and highly recommended to check the timing of your chosen session within your own time zone!

Click the link to register for your session of choice, visit the IAACD website for up to date program and links!

Global Listening and Sharing session program 

1am GMT, Australia, Fiji & Kirabati: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on children with disabilities
in the Pacific: Listening session for clinicians & researchers.  Speakers: Dr Peter Asuo, Dr Rakei Kaarira, Ms Sureni Perera, Ms Ingrid Sutherland, Dr Georgina Cox, Dr Kate Milner

4am GMT,  Sri Lanka, Nepal and Australia: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on children with disabilities
in the Sri Lanka and Nepal: Listening session for clinicians & researchers. Speakers: Gopi Kitnasamy, Romaniya Fernando, Bhagya Devagiri, Nistha Shrestha, Dr Mary-Clare Waugh

4am GMT, Singapore: It takes a village to help a village. Speakers: Jocelyn Tan, SLT; Charlotte Lin, Dietician; Kimberly Quek, Epilepsy Nurse; Melody Por, PT; Tan Jia Xuan, OT; Dr Tan Mae Yue, CDU

5am GMT, Israel: Listening session for clinicians & researchers. Speakers TBC

7am GMT, India: Speakers: Dr Sashikala,Dr Sunanda,Dr Jitendra Jain, Divya Karthik ,Asha Chitnis, Taral Nagda [No register link currently]

8am GMT, Wales: Top Tips for Telehealth, Speakers: Rina Van Der Walt

9am GMT, Ireland: Understanding the impact of Covid 19 on children with disabilities in Ireland: Listening session for professionals and families. Speakers: Dr. Irwin Gill; Margaret Dee, OT; Sinead O’Sullivan, Parent of a child attending Early Services

10am GMT, Netherlands: Pediatric Rehabilitation in COVID-19 time. Speaker: Joris Berkhout

11am GMT, Poland: Lessons from COVID – delivering remote support to children with disabilities during COVID-19 crisis/ Czego nauczył nas COVID – zdalne wspracie dzieci z niepełnosprawnością w czasie pandemii COVID-19 Speakers: Śledzińska, Katarzyna Świeczkowska OT; Marcin Bonikowski MD PhD; Weronika Pyrzanowska PT PhD; Patrycja Mrozek PT MSc; Radosław Rutkowski PT PhD OT

12pm GMT, China: Fight Covid-19, together with children with disability. Speakers: Prof. Jiulai Tang President of CARM Pediatrics; Prof. Jun Lin Director of Wuhan children’s hospital; Doctor Hongxia Li

1pm GMT, Turkey: The functional health status of children with Cerebral Palsy in COVID-19 Pandemic Stay-at-Home period: A framework from Turkey. Speakers: Joris Berkhout

2pm GMT, South Africa: Approaches to emotional dysregulation in children with ASD. Speakers: Dr. Noleen Seris and Prof. Lauren Franz

3pm GMT, East Africa: COVID-19: Navigating through unchartered territory. Speakers: Dr Susan Wamithi

4.45pm GMT, Canada: CP-Net Science and Family Day. Speaker: Professor Peter Rosenbaum.

5pm GMT, Mexico: TBC

7pm GMT, USA: Impact of disrupted access to rehabilitation services during COVID19 on children with disabilities and their caregivers. Speakers: Ellen Sutter, DPT, PT and Linda Smith Francis, MS

10pm GMT, Latin America: Health Worker’s Experiences of Providing Services to Children with Disabilities amidst COVID-19 around the Globe.  Speakers: Dra, Veronica Schiariti. Dra. Maria Jose Martinez Caceres

11pm GMT, USA/Canada: International Alliance of the Academies of Childhood Disability COVID-19 Taskforce Worldwide Surveys in Understanding Impact. Speaker: Dr. Veronica Schiariti

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