Updates from Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology – August 2021

Updates from Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology – August 2021

24th August, 2021

Please see below for the latest updates from DMCN and highlights from our latest issue. We welcome feedback or questions. Connect with us via Twitter (@mackeithpress) or drop us an email at admin@mackeith.co.uk.

Please note, the producer of DMCN, Mac Keith Press, are currently hosting a 60% (plus free shipping) discount on a range of publications.

Key papers published this month

Parents of children with disabilities and the COVID-19 pandemic Our latest Invited Editorial is by Her Majesty Queen Mathilde of Belgium. It looks at the impact COVID-19 has had on parents and children with disabilities, with a focus on reduced access to services and increased awareness of fatigue and mental health issues. The Editorial has been translated into Dutch, French, and German.

Is the search for cerebral palsy ‘cures’ a reasonable and appropriate goal in the 2020s? Honan et al. explore the contentious notion of ‘cures’ in cerebral palsy, combining perspectives acquired during community consultations with those published in the literature.

Consensus clinical management guideline for beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration this excellent review by Wilson et al. is informed by an evaluation of the literature and expert opinion and provides recommendations for the evaluation and management of individuals with beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration.

Functional development in children with cerebral palsy in Uganda: population-based longitudinal cohort study Andrews et al.’s study found limited access to health care and rehabilitation likely contribute to children with cerebral palsy in Uganda developing motor skills at a slower rate than peers in high-income countries.
Check out more on the DMCN homepage and the very latest releases on Early View.

Latest Podcasts

 Recent DMCN podcast highlights include:

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