Update from Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology – Nov 2023

Update from Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology – Nov 2023

10th November, 2023

Mac Keith Press November 2023 Highlights

Recent Advances in the Neurological and Neurodevelopmental Impact of HIV – out now!

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Recent Advances in the Neurological and Neurodevelopmental Impact of HIV is edited by Amina A Abubakar, Kirsten A Donald, Jo M Wilmshurst, and Charles R Newton and assembles leading experts in the field of HIV to offer vital insights into the treatment and management of HIV in children and adolescents.

The authors succinctly summarise key findings and identify research gaps, shedding light on implications for paediatric HIV work. This comprehensive resource outlines crucial clinical neurological issues faced by young individuals with HIV and presents the latest diagnostic and treatment approaches. Moreover, it offers practical clinical strategies aimed at enhancing the care of children and adolescents living with HIV.

  • Outlines the important clinical neurological issues facing children and young adults with HIV infection
  • Presents up-to-date diagnostic and treatment approaches
  • Provides practical clinical strategies to improve the care of children and adolescents with HIV

It is an essential resource for all clinicians involved in the care of children and adolescents with HIV and their families, including doctors, paediatricians, psychologists, and other health practitioners and researchers.

Read a sample here

 DMCN December Issue

A prominent epidemiologist’s perspective on how epidemiology has helped us understand neurodevelopmental disability conditions such as intellectual disability, autism, and cerebral palsy, organized as a useful narrative review. A systematic review of early brain MRI in congenital heart disease highlights the potential predictive value of brain volume and injury. A scoping review addresses how clinicians can best characterize data outcomes in children with cerebral palsy following orthopaedic surgery. The final review in our Virtual Issue on Ethics and Philosophy of Neurodevelopmental Conditions questions how children and adolescents with ADHD experience methylphenidate. A carefully conducted study attempts to explain the emergence of autism in a well-defined neurometabolic disorder (semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency).

The Editor’s Choice is a 30-year study of early stiripentol in patients with Dravet syndrome, highlighting both safety and effectiveness. A study of motor outcomes and quality of life following extreme prematurity highlights an association between movement difficulty lower health-related quality of life, even in the absence of cerebral palsy or developmental coordination disorder.

Another study documents how fatigue affects walking in children with cerebral palsy. It is not customary for us to publish preclinical studies, but we do have one in this issue, which suggests that collagenase may decrease muscle stiffness in cerebral palsy. Finally, a study carried out in 65 countries addresses the determinants for end-of-life medical decisions for children with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome.