Study recruitment: The SPORTY Project

Study recruitment: The SPORTY Project

8th June, 2023

Researchers at the University of Queensland want to know what people with childhood-onset disability and providers of sports activities think should be the priorities for research relating to physical activity participation for people with childhood-onset disability. We believe it is essential that people with childhood-onset disability and their families have the opportunity to direct future research.

We will be conducting focus groups to gather this information about perspectives on research priorities. To assist in reaching people with disabilities, we would love it if you could share this information sheet with:

  • People with a childhood-onset disability aged 12 and older
  • Parents of children with a childhood-onset disability

Current research into sports participation for children with disability has been directed by researchers, rather than people with lived experience of childhood-onset disability who participate in sport, or those who provide the activities. The establishment of research priorities from the perspective of end-users is essential to ensure that interventions researched are meaningful, feasible and efficient, and that uptake and upscale processes are timely and sustainable in practice.

Further information is available in the attached information sheet, or you can email the research team at

Download the information sheet

Please share this invitation with your networks to ensure that people with childhood-onset disability have the opportunity to be involved in this important research.