Seeking feedback on our AusACPDM Equity Position Statement

30th July, 2024

Purpose of this statement
The Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) has developed this statement to guide our Academy’s commitment to diversity and to promote equity. The AusACPDM is committed to ensuring that an inclusive and equity-driven approach is embedded in all Academy activities. This statement is a starting point and a call for action to address the inequities in experiences and outcomes for people living with childhood-onset disability across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The aim of this statement is to guide the activities of AusACPDM and to ensure that equity is a priority of our work, both now and into the future.

We are seeking feedback on our current draft AusACPDM Equity Position Statement. Please access the statement below.

All feedback is welcome and can be directed to Rachel Toovey or Amy Hogan

Download the draft statement here