Research survey: ‘practice evidence’ on drooling in children with disability

Research survey: ‘practice evidence’ on drooling in children with disability

15th June, 2018

AusACPDM members are invited to participate in a research survey distributed by Ms Michelle McInerney, PhD Candidate at Australian Catholic University.

Are you a speech pathologist who works with a child or adolescent with disability who drools? Perhaps you treat a child between the ages of 0 and 18 years with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or autism? We want to hear about your experience of working in this area!

Click here to access the survey

Drooling is very common in children with disability affecting 2 in 5 children with cerebral palsy between the ages of 7 and 14 years alone. We now know that the physical and psychosocial health of the child may be affected by drooling. Some children will experience poorer chest health, skin breakdown and social rejection from peers. Problematic drooling can also increase the demands of caring for the child and lead to increased stress levels for parents.

At present, the evidence to support speech pathology clinical practice is weak and we therefore have no clear guidelines about what to do in practice. With your help, I wish to find out about what speech pathologists in Australia today are doing when assessing and providing treatment. By knowing about what is being done clinically in everyday practice, important information on practice evidence will be obtained. This is an important facet of evidence-based practice. By completing this 15- minute survey, you are contributing to our capacity to make a difference to the lives of children with disability who drool.

This survey is part of a PhD project on saliva control in children with neurodisability. Your participation in this research is greatly appreciated. If you have recent experience working with children with neurodisability who drool, we want to hear about your experience and would be very grateful if you could take this survey! The survey has the participation information letter embedded at the start of the survey and contains a glossary of terms for your reference (if needed). Please click on the following link or copy and paste the link into your browser:

Click here to access the survey

If you have any questions about this survey or research, please email Michelle McInerney at or phone (02) 9465 9118.