Registration for combined IAACD and AACPDM Meeting is NOW OPEN!
Registration is NOW OPEN for the Combined AACPDM 73rd Annual and IAACD 2nd Triannual Meeting and invite you to take advantage of the discounted Early Bird registration pricing.
The meeting will be held in vibrant Anaheim, California from September 18-21, 2019 and will convene at the Anaheim Marriott. The strong participation of international health care professionals and scientists from around the world is reflected in the theme chosen for the conference: “Knowledge Without Borders”. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) will be the theoretical framework of this meeting.
For complete program and registration information, please click on the links below.
Click here to Register
Click here for preliminary program
The AACPDM and IAACD look forward to co-hosting this meeting and invite you and your colleagues to attend.
See you in Anaheim!