Multiple Birth Symposium, presented by AMBA

4th October, 2022

Banner image showing two babies' faces lying in opposite directions ear-to-ear. Overlay text: "Multiple Birth SYmposium Friday November 4th 2022 Novotel Sydney Paramatta New South Wales" plus Australian College of Midwives purple and white circular logo in top right corner.

AMBA are thrilled to announce the inaugural Multiple Birth Symposium to be held on Friday, November 4th, 2022 9:30am-4pm in Parramatta NSW

This professional development day will support health professionals to provide the best possible care for multiple birth patients and their families.

Presenters include AMBA Patron Prof Mark Umstad AM and representatives from Twins Research Australia, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Kolling Institute and the Centre of Perinatal Excellence.


9:30 am Registration & Morning Tea

10:00 am Welcome & Introduction: Fiona Lally (Australian Multiple Birth Association

10:15 am Improving Outcomes for Multiple Birth Pregnancies: Prof. Mark Umstad AM MB BS FRANZCOG

11:00 am Exercise in Multiple Pregnancy: Christine O’Neill

11:45 am Multiple Birth Mental Health Outcomes throughout Pregancy, Delivery and Postnatally: Dr. Nicole Highet

12:30 pm Improving the Health of Twins, Multiples and their Families through Science & Evidence: Dr. Lucas Calais Ferreira

1:15 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Inheritance of Twinning: Dr. Brittany Mitchell

2:45 pm Every Week Counts: Associate Prof. Sean Seeho

3:30 pm Questions & Close

3:45 pm Afternoon Tea


Symposium 2022 Flyer

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