Understanding Normal Movement for Paediatric Therapists

This two-day course is designed to introduce participants to the concept of movement analysis in the assessment and treatment of children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Participants will be able to describe key components relating to the analysis of postures and movement sequences and learn how to facilitate movement with the opportunity to practice handling skills.

It is a practical course with the focus on therapists developing their skills of observation of posture and movement, with the practice of facilitation of normal movement.


$660 incl GST

Course Tutors

Sarah Foley, Physiotherapist, Senior Bobath Tutor
Kelsey Jamieson, Occupational Therapist, Bobath Tutor

Suitable for:

Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists.

Date: 24 May - 25 May

Location: Geelong, Victoria (TBC)

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