Hot Topics in Cerebral Palsy – Muscle Research Forum
The AusCP-CTN invites you to join us at the “Hot Topics in Cerebral Palsy – Muscle Research Forum – 30th November 2018” for a day of presentations from a panel of national and international experts, on the topics of muscle and biomechanical research in cerebral palsy.
The AusCP-CTN CRE aims to foster and develop current and future leaders in cerebral palsy research and clinical practice. The CRE’s vision for the future workforce for children with Cerebral Palsy is national capacity building comprising individuals (Medical/Allied health) with expertise in more than one key area of research and/or training (basic science/neuroscience, epidemiology, clinical/health services initiatives, and translation/implementation).
International Keynote Speaker
Professor Richard L. Lieber, PhD.
Professor & Chief Scientific Officer, Shirley Ryan Ability Lab & Departments of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation & Biomedical Engineering. Northwestern University, Chicago.
Topic: Biological & Biomechanical Studies of Skeletal Muscle Contractures in Cerebral Palsy.
See the full program here
Full list of Speakers
Professor David Lloyd, PhD. Griffith University, Assistive Wearable Devices for Rehabilitation for Children with Disability
Professor Ngaire Susan Stott, PhD.The University of Auckland, MRI of muscle in healthy children & children with CP
Associate Professor Jane Valentine, PhD. The University of Western Australia, Impact of Botulinum toxin A on muscle in children with CP
Dr Lee Barber and Dr Steven Obst, PhD.Central Queensland University, Muscle Growth and Quality in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
Associate Professor Glen Lichtwark , PhD.The University of Queensland, Muscle mechanics during walking in Cerebral Palsy
Professor Andy Cresswell , PhD.The University of Queensland, Use and Mis-use of EMG
Dr Christopher Carty , PhD. Griffith University, Personalized neuromusculoskeletal modelling for cerebral palsy gait
Cost (includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea)
- Standard: $100
- Students/QPRS: $50
Please email for any queries
Date: 30 November - 30 November
Location: Centre for Children's Health Research, Brisbane
Register now