2021 AusCP-CTN International Hot Topics in Cerebral Palsy
The Australasian Cerebral Palsy Clinical Trials Network (AusCP-CTN) is partnering with colleagues at the Queensland Children’s Hospital to host a joint-conferene, to provide the latest information and research relevant to paediatric rehabilitation.
The conferencee will showcase Hot Topics in research from the Australasian Cerebral Palsy Clinical Trials Network, including recent advances and issues on some of the work being done to improve early diagnosis and intervention for children with, or at risk of, cerebral palsy. We will highlight the latest research and innovations in early detection, neuroprotection, interventions and their implementation into clinical practice.
Keynote Speakers for Hot Topics in CP Research

Prof. Guro Andersen & Dr Sandra Hollung
Vestfold Hospital Trust, Tønsberg, Norway and Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Update from the Norwegian Quality and Surveillance Registry for Cerebral Palsy (NorCP)
Dr Sarah McIntyre & Dr Shona Goldsmith
Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Australia
Update from the Australian Cerebral Palsy Register (ACPR)

Prof. Yannick Bleyenheuft
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Preschool HABITILE in Europe

Prof. Nadia Badawi
Cerebral Palsy Alliance, Westmead Children’s Hospital
Prevention of CP: A journey started, hope realised, but still some way to go
Prof. Sampsa Vanhatalo
Baby Brain Activity Centre, University of Helsinki, Finland
Update of Wearable Technology for Early Neurological Diagnosis
Registration & Costs (inc GST)
Friday 5 March | International CP Hot Topics Research Forum: $55.00 |
Who can benefit from attending?
- Health professionals
- Other professionals who work with children who have received rehabilitation
- Parents/carers of children who have received rehabilitation
- Students
- Researchers
Date: 5 March - 5 March
Location: Zoom, please register for link
Register now