COVID-19 and human rights of children with disabilities
The editorial in the July 2020 issue of Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology by Veronica Schiariti from the University of Victoria discusses: The human rights of children with disabilities during health emergencies: the challenge of COVID‐19. The editorial has been translated into Russian, Polish, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish.
Access the DMCN Editorial here
View the DMCN Vodcast describing content of the editorial in English describing the content of this editorial.
Also available in Spanish (with with Portuguese subtitles)
Published by Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2020.
WHO Disability considerations during COVID-19 & Children with Disabilities
The World Health Organisation have created Guidelines for Disability considerations during COVID-19, which will also include consideration for children and youth with disabilities.
Key recommendations are included in the vodcasts below (available in English and Spanish).
COVID-19 Knowledge Translation for Children
Animations explaining what COVID-19 is to children with and without disabilities – from the children’s perspective have also been developed, and are available in both English and Spanish.