Better Together 2022 moves fully virtual
The current COVID-19 outbreaks throughout Australia have created increasing uncertainty about travel both within Australia and Internationally. Currently there is almost no travel across state borders in Australia, and the likelihood of international borders opening early in 2022 seems remote.
Because of these uncertainties, the Better Together 2022 Organising Committee, in consultation with the AusACPDM Board and IAACD Steering Group, have made the decision to move to a fully virtual Conference in March 2022.
This decision has been made now in advance before there are too many financial implications to the Host Academy, to those wishing to make plans to attend, and to allow time for the Committee to optimize the program for a virtual conference for an improved experience for all our participants.
We thank everyone for their support and understanding in this decision, and we are all very much looking forward to a day when we can all safely come together again.
We are Better Together, and we can be Better Together virtually as well as in person.
Warmest regards
Better Together 2022 Organising Committee
Did you submit an abstract?
We understand you are waiting on your abstract notification letter, which were set to be announced this August. However, we ask for your understanding that due to this decision, further time is required for the Scientific Committee to re-imagine a new program that is suited for the virtual only format. We expect to have further information on the status of your abstract and an outline of a new program in late September 2021, providing plenty of time for selected presenters to prepare.