Better Together 2022 Conference Scholarships
The Board of Directors of the Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) is committed to making the Conference accessible to persons from low resource communities or workplaces, or where attendance at the Conference would not be possible without additional funding support.
This will be a hybrid conference. For planning purposes, it is requested that the applicant select the type of scholarship they are applying for, that is, in person or virtual. Given the ever-changing requirements related to travel due to COVID-19, scholarships for International applicants will be virtual only. International scholarships will be preferentially offered to those from countries on the HINARI list.
If a virtual scholarship is awarded but in-person is decided by the individual, then the value of the virtual scholarship can be used to support attendance. Once the scholarships have been awarded, there will be no opportunity to change the monetary value of the scholarship. Refer to www.health.gov.au; www.interstatequarantine.org.au for updates on Covid-19.
The AusACPDM will be offering a number of different streams of Scholarships in 2022:
- Australasian (Australia/NZ/Pacifica) attendees (in person or virtual)
- International (Hinari countries) attendees (virtual only)
- 2 x Work site scholarships for work groups of attendees from low resource settings (virtual only)
Visit the scholarship application portal to understand the full submission process. You can save a submission at any time to return to it later.
Download the forms:
Application Form
Recommendation Form
Scholarship Inclusions
The scholarship gives you the opportunity to network virtually or in person with world class industry leaders and stay up to date with the latest clinical care, research and evidence-based practice.
All scholarships (virtual and in-person) include:
- Complimentary registration to the conference (excluding pre-conference workshops, breakfast seminars and conference social events not included in standard registration costs). Work site scholarships will include a single virtual link for the duration of the conference, with the intention that the work site recipient group are able to engage with conference content as a group to enable discussion and enhance the virtual conference experience.
- Complimentary ticket to attend the International Affairs Luncheon
Applicants applying for in-person attendance may also apply to receive funding for reimbursement of travel and/or accommodation, depending on location of the applicant and as determined by the Scholarship committee.
International Affairs Luncheon
All scholarship recipients attending in person and virtually are required to attend the International Affairs luncheon.
Five of the scholarship winners will be invited by the committee to speak at this event.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to receive a Conference scholarship, candidates must:
- Demonstrate proof of current AusACPDM membership or membership of a Full or Provisional Academy Member of the IAACD
- Provide a written statement from their institution stating that other possible sources of funding have been applied for and institutional funding is not available;
- Ensure the Recommendation Form is submitted by their employer, supervisor or academic instructor;
- Provide proof of country of residence;
- Provide a recent photo with the application. Successful applicant photos will be used to assist with mentor recognition;
- Complete the self-application form (with signature) – nominations by other parties will not be accepted;
- Not be a recipient of other AusACPDM funding e.g PhD platform scholarship, invited speaker to the Conference;
- Agree and provide signed consent to have their name and photo published as a scholarship recipient in the Conference app and on the AusACPDM website;
- Agree to provide a written report (300 words) within 2 months of the Conference on how their attendance at the Conference has assisted in improving their knowledge, skills and service delivery. NB: Previous successful applicants cannot apply for further scholarship funding for the next 2 AusACPDM Conferences (i.e. 4 years).
Priority is given to those applicants:
- Who can demonstrate in their application how participation will enhance their own knowledge, skills and service delivery;
- Who have a sound plan for disseminating and implementing the acquired knowledge and skills with colleagues in their community or country;
- Who’s clinical and research clients might benefit the most from the new knowledge and skills of the applicant and their colleagues.
Selection Criteria
Applications received by 30 April 2021 will be checked for completeness. All complete applications will be forwarded to the International Affairs Committee for review.
Applications will be reviewed, discussed and scored by the Committee members, with a final decision made by the end of August. Applicants will be notified by 31 August 2021.
If you face any issues in submitting your application, accessing the portal or have any other questions, please contact; registration@bettertogether2022.org